
Unit Converter

Zyksa Unit Converter now with Currency conversion (160+ world currencies) is a quick, easy and powerful tool for converting 23 various Categories. Zyk …

This is the same HangMan from citdeveloper, but with our new brand name Zyksa.Its a very simple game where you have to guess the WORD before the hang …
Tap Tap Lights

Yet another challenging game from Zyksa! Tap Tap Lights is very simple and addictive!-> This game is a memory game like Simon, copy cat ... with very …
Word Jumbles

Word Jumbles is an addictive and a different kind of word play game where you need to trace out correct word out of the jumbled letters by tapping cor …

The lead role in this game is a box character named after Doboz where Doboz is an Hungarian word, which means "Box" in English.The main motto of the g …
Picture Puzzle

This is same as GlideMe from citdeveloper, but with our new Zyksa brand name and with a meaningfull game name.It is simple and addicting picture puzzl …

This is the same SpeedTester from citdeveloper, but with our new brand name Zyksa.It’s a very simple and addicting game similar to classic coin-operat …
Expense Tracker

This application let's you track your day to day expenses and help you summarize the expenses by category, date, month, payment mode etc.FEATURES- …
Event Reminder

Zyksa Event Reminder is a free application which helps the user about the registered event reminders on specified date/time and also sends wishes(SMS …