I wanted a clock with a minimalist design that only told me the time, date and day. Removed everything else. Also wanted a clock that "pushes" me thr …
You love the rain. The storms, the light. But mostly: the sound. Soon the storm blows over; its no more.Storm Capsule begs to differ.Open the app; act …
This application helps you keep track of the time you spend on various tasks and activities for yourself or for reporting puposes like filling up your …
Fifty Phrases That Kill Creativity !Following is an interesting list I picked up someplace and modified for use in some presentations I do on creativi …
„Granny's German Cake Corner" - Back in the good old days The best of my grandmother´s cake recipies! Passed down to generations, tried a tousand time …
Have you ever wondered what your pooch is thinking? Puppy Mouth is an application that uses super-duper futuristic technology to analyze your canine's …
New Version 1.2 includes newest OpenFeint version and improved stability!They just keep coming! The zombies are back, and this time they mean business …
Each level is an Oxyd inspired puzzle, which means you control the environment with your ball. You use the balls to control trap doors, moving blocks, …
If there's one thing the Doc knows, it's computers. Mac's, PC's, heck he's even old enough to remember DOS. Doc is the gold standard in computer know- …
WesternAgent 3.0 is City/County Specific Closing Cost Software that comes preloaded with calculations and closing costs for Real Estate Professionals. …