This a application for people who want to study SAT Test words. There are 5000 Collegiate Words with Brief Definitions in the application,and you can …
◼ 고려대 최신(2014년 08월) 중한사전 데이터 탑재◼ 중한사전 신어 약 8,000개 표제어 추가 및 신어 음원 추가■ iOS 8 지원 버전 관련 사항 ■- iOS 7 UI 완벽 지원, iOS 8 지원 업데이트 버전이 출시되었습니다.- 모서리 밀기(Edge Swip …
The customer review was updated. (2009.09.28 up)<<<*** bit計算器 ***The calculator of the engineer, by the enginee …
This a application for Japanese who want to study SAT Test words.SAT英単語暗記の為のアプリです。単語5000語収録します。頭文字から探す・単語長さから探す索引を用意しています。「Auto日本語表示」スイッチは「オン」の時、英語単語と …
Mathogen is Kid-Friendly and Mom-Approved Mathogen is pure wholesome family fun. Parents can rest easy knowing Mathogen doesn't contain a single viole …
PasteCatcher runs a Bonjour client that copies text or image from your Macintosh clipboard to the iPhone pasteboard. To use this application, please i …