【實用書籍app】[steel shapes] canada|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】[steel shapes] canada|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】[steel shapes] canada-APP點子

[steel canada] provides access to the CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION latest Structural Steel Sections Database (version 9.2), containing the mechanical and geometrical properties, in metric units, for section types W, S, M, WWF, C, MC, L, WT, WWT, 2L, WRF, SLB, HS (HSS CSAG40.20/21) and HA (HSS ASTM A500).Based on the same code base as [steel], the best mobile structural steel reference on the App Store, it differs on only two aspects, the database each contain (CISC vs AISC) and [steel canada] is able to display side by side the Metric & Imperial equivalent designation for any of the shapes it contains. This is a one-up feature over [steel] that will make it useful even for engineers outside of Canada!FEATURES:** BROWSE & SEARCH for sections in the main window, displaying either of:- Metric Designation, only metric names displayed and search conducted on these values.- Metric Designation + Imperial Equivalent, both metric and imperial names displayed, search conducted on the metric values.- Imperial Designation + Metric Equivalent, both metric and imperial names displayed, search conducted on the imperial values.** SORT all sections based on a specific property, either in ascending or descending order.** CONVERT units between Metric and English unit systems** FLEXIBLE SEARCH lets you find a section faster, reducing typing and switching between the numeric and alphanumeric keyboard on the iPhone. Instead of entering "L 1.75 x 1.75 x 0.250" (which does work as well) you can simply input "L1.751.750.25"** NO WIRELESS CONNECTION REQUIRED:All data is stored locally, making browsing and searching extremely fast. ----------------------------------------User feedback on how to improve and grow the application is welcomed.Custom development services available.Please send your suggestions, bug reports, database corrections or support questions to dhomes@gmail.com

【免費書籍App】[steel shapes] canada-APP點子

【免費書籍App】[steel shapes] canada-APP點子

【免費書籍App】[steel shapes] canada-APP點子

【免費書籍App】[steel shapes] canada-APP點子

免費玩[steel shapes] canada APP玩免費

免費玩[steel shapes] canada App

[steel shapes] canada APP LOGO

[steel shapes] canada LOGO-APP點子

[steel shapes] canada APP QRCode

[steel shapes] canada QRCode-APP點子
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