【實用健康app】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

A6W Trainer is an abs training application following Aerobic Weider's Six exercises program (A6W). It allows you to gain flat belly in no time, just around 30min per day, for 42 days doing 6 simple exercises specially designed to make you a flat tummy.

Why this app instead of competitors?

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Designed to be stable and does not crash during the exercises.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Designed to be able to be used by more then one person (profiles).

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• It has a nice female voice guiding through exercises.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Notify of exercises pending for given day.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• It has customizable exercise duration time for different difficulty.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Ability to set difficulty of exercise 1, 3 and 5: repeats counted separately for each leg or together!

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Option for individual training program not counted into training's day. Handy for people who want to stay in shape.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

• Is simple and has easy to operate interface.

There are other similar apps on the market, I dare you to test them as I'm sure that stability and simplicity of my application will bring you back to this app.

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

FEEDBACK: I hope you enjoy A6W Trainer. I'd love to hear your feedback, comments or suggestions. Please email me at: kamil.toszek@gmail.com

【免費健康App】A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout-APP點子

Keywords: 6pack, ABS, Aerobic, Six-Pack, Training, Weider, asb, exercise, fitness, a6w, flat, belly, tummy

免費玩A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout APP玩免費

免費玩A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout App

A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout APP LOGO

A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout LOGO-APP點子

A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout APP QRCode

A6W Trainer-Flat Belly Workout QRCode-APP點子
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