【實用健康app】Bridgeport Pharmacy|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Bridgeport Pharmacy|最夯免費app


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Bridgeport Pharmacy is conveniently located at 970 East Main Street serving greater Bridgeport metro area. Our proximity to OPTIMUS HealthCare facilities, Bridgeport Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital gives us a unique advantage in providing a gamut of services.Bridgeport Pharmacy is an independently owned and operated by pharmacists who have years of experience in pharmacy operations and with customer oriented and service driven staff and management.We take pride in providing Quality, Courteous and Fast service with the right blend of professional care and personal touch. We understand the complex needs of Pediatric, Adult and Geriatric patients and have programs and services to meet their needs.Our services and programs are custom designed to fit the needs of both individual patients and Home HealthCare Nurses. Bridgeport Pharmacy believes that the road to recovery and health management ultimately lies in timely prescription administration. At times of troubled economy and spiraling prices our Free Delivery and Pick Up service stands as a Hallmark of all services and provides a beacon of hope and comfort to our customers.Bridgeport Pharmacy understands that the quality of life can be improved with medications and Home Healthcare products and our pharmacy is one stop shop for all your Home HealthCare needs. We carry a variety of Home Healthcare products and our knowledgeable Pharmacy Staff are always available any questions or suggestions. Home Healthcare supplies may be covered by Medicare, Medicaid and by private insurance companies and our qualified personnel handle the complex billing procedures.So, take a minute and give us an opportunity to serve you and we will show you the difference.

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