【實用個人化app】Combination Lock|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Combination Lock|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Combination Lock-APP點子

Are you looking for a more convenient and customizable lock screen? Are you after more security or are just bored of the old “slide to unlock”? In each case Combination Lock is the answer. Combination Lock is a keyguard application which can be unlocked with the buttons on your device. You can record you own unlock sequence, which can be just as simple as one button press or as long and complicated as you like. You can use almost any buttons that your device has (volume, back, home…) for the unlock sequence.

Combination Lock also offers a wide array of options to customize. You can choose the items you want to be shown on the lock screen, or you can even hide them all, so that no one but you knows how to unlock your device.

Combination Lock has the following features:

-Record your own button sequence used for unlocking

-Customizable interface with following elements:

-Clock (with both 24h and 12h formats)

-Date display (with dd/mm and mm/dd formats)

-Battery status

【免費個人化App】Combination Lock-APP點子

-Missed calls

-New SMSes

-The correct and pressed unlock sequence

-You can choose which (if any) elements are shown on the lock screen

-Customizable screen timeout

-You can choose if you want icons or text captions to be shown on the lock screen

-Possibility to wake the device from any button if you like

【免費個人化App】Combination Lock-APP點子

-Leaves status bar unlocked for quick access to, for example, sound and Bluetooth controls

This is the ad-free paid version. A free ad-supported version is also available on the Android Market.

Bad news for Android Ice Cream Sandwich (or 4.0) users: applications can no longer suppress the home button presses on this version of Android. Therefore the lock screen can always be dismissed from the home button. This is a known issue and is being worked on. While waiting for a fix, you can still use Combination Lock if you like and enjoy the other features.

【免費個人化App】Combination Lock-APP點子

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免費玩Combination Lock App

Combination Lock APP LOGO

Combination Lock LOGO-APP點子

Combination Lock APP QRCode

Combination Lock QRCode-APP點子
Google Play