【實用生活app】Dog Park Assistant|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Dog Park Assistant|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Dog Park Assistant-APP點子

Visiting the Dog Park? Keep your dog safe, make sure he is having fun, and get tips to train him to listen to you better, even around the distraction of other dogs. This app is filled with video clips and photographs of dog behavior and will help teach you how to understand dog play and dog-dog interactions better.

What play style(s) does your dog have? Is he a Mouth Wrestler? A Humper? A Chase-Me kind of dog? Identify your dog’s individual play styles and then learn how to match him with the most compatible playmates at the dog park. Create a profile for your dog and receive personalized training tips while you’re at the park.

Some dogs are playful; others are not. Some dogs are gentle, and some are bullies. Learn how to keep your dog safe and ensure that his time at the park is enjoyable for him and his dog friends.

【免費生活App】Dog Park Assistant-APP點子


- Extensive video library of dog behaviors, aggression and play

- Ability to create profiles for your own dog and match him with suitable playmates to avoid risky or dangerous interactions

【免費生活App】Dog Park Assistant-APP點子

- Film your own dog and send it in for a personalized behavior analysis

- Red Alert button helps you terminate dangerous behaviors before an injury occurs

- Training tips for teaching your dog to come when called, even when he doesn’t want to

【免費生活App】Dog Park Assistant-APP點子

-Tips for finding a healthy and safe dog park for your dog

【免費生活App】Dog Park Assistant-APP點子

免費玩Dog Park Assistant APP玩免費

免費玩Dog Park Assistant App

Dog Park Assistant APP LOGO

Dog Park Assistant LOGO-APP點子

Dog Park Assistant APP QRCode

Dog Park Assistant QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store
App Store



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