【實用體育競技app】FIFA Football freestyle|最夯免費app

【實用體育競技app】FIFA Football freestyle|最夯免費app


【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

“FIFA Football freestyle” is a game for soccer fans where after you select your favorite player you have to tap on the indicated spots to see him master the ball with feet, shoulder and head tricks. Even if the gameplay is very simple, as you tap on the indicated spots when the ball crosses that, you’ll play a very challenging game. It all happens at a fast pace and if you don’t have excellent reaction times you won’t even pass the first level. Here’s what makes “WorldCup Soccer Dance” a challenging game:

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

★ Popular songs are included in the game so that you really get into the World Cup mood

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

★ Addictive gameplay due to its fast paced rhythm, as you have to tap correctly very fast to master a trick

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

★ Unlock new football tricks with every character you choose as you play the game more

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

★ Great animations and tricks done by characters that look like some very well known football players

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】FIFA Football freestyle-APP點子

★ Unlock new characters and levels by logging in via Facebook

★ You can play with best players soccer of World Cup Brazil FIFA 14 like the captains of Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, England and more to follow

★ Multiple levels with star-based rating and hat-trick combos (the more tricks you do right, the higher your score as indicated by the score-o-meter)

★ Tell your friends on facebook from your scores.

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