【實用解謎app】Guess the shape Quiz game|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Guess the shape Quiz game|最夯免費app


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Guess the shape: Quiz game.

One of the most difficult games ever made! Take up the challenge and test yourself!

Discover all the hidden secrets of the Book of Shadows and see how far your mind can go!

A very engaging, exciting and entertaining game. Quess the shape: Quiz game!

Full and Free Quest the shape: quiz game!

Features of Guess the shape: Quiz game:

▪ Carefully detailed 3D graphics

【免費解謎App】Guess the shape Quiz game-APP點子

▪ Two languages: English, Italian (Click on the flag to change the language)

▪ By unlocking the shape in one language, you will automatically unlock it in the other one

▪ 38 pages, 4 shapes per page, for a total of 152 shapes to discover!

▪ Start with 20 coins and like us on facebook to get other 20 coins

▪ Get 2 coins for each shape correctly guessed, or get them from the server

【免費解謎App】Guess the shape Quiz game-APP點子

▪ Spend your coins to get hints (1 coin for each hint, up to 3 hints per shape)

▪ Spend your coins to get the solution (10 coins), if you can’t manage to guess the shape

▪ The game can be enjoyed both alone and in company, anytime, anywhere, by players of all ages

▪ New shapes will be added with an update, just play and see what will come next!

Further notes of Guess the shape: Quiz game:

▪ Should you find any wrong answer, please send us an by e-mail

【免費解謎App】Guess the shape Quiz game-APP點子

▪ If you enjoy the game, support us by buying the “donation” version, thanks!

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