



--- English description below ---

HEYTAXI - solutie rapida, gratuita si comoda pentru a comanda taxi in Chisinau direct de pe telefonul tau mobil. Aplicatia iti permite sa vezi pe harta taxiurile disponibile, sa trimiti comanda cu un singur buton la orice taxi din apropiere sau sa selectezi un taxi preferat, vizualizand detaliile masinii/soferului. Ai la dispozitie si un filtru cu care poti selecta tipul masinii sau tariful minim in regiune.

Cum utilizezi HEYTAXI:

-Aplicatia te localizeaza automat pe harta cu ajutorul map

-Apasand tasta “CONFIRMA LOCATIA” confirmi adresa unde te afli, sau o selectezi manual din campul cu adresa

-Chemi un taxi apasand tasta “COMANDA TAXI”

-Cel mai apropiat taxi primeste solicitarea ta, o confirma si porneste spre tine

-Poti urmari direct pe harta taxiul cum se apropie si poti suna soferul daca este nevoie

-Primesti notificare pe telefon cand taxiul ajunge la adresa

-Dupa finalizarea comenzii, dai o nota soferului.

Pentru utilizarea serviciului ai nevoie de un smartphone cu serviciul GPS activ si conexiune la internet. HEYTAXI nu este responsabil pentru calitatea sau viteza semnalului GPS, acestea depind de telefon sau pozitia geografica.

Afla mai multe despre aplicatie pe www.heytaxi.md

Email de contact: support@heytaxi.md


HEYTAXI – easy, quick and free solution to order taxi in Chisinau directly from your mobile phone. The application allows you to see the available taxis on the map, to send the order with a single button to any nearby taxi or select a preferred taxi viewing details of the car/driver. You also have a filter that allows you to select the type of car or the minimum tariff in the region.

How to use HEYTAXI:

-The app automatically locates you on the map

- Pressing "CONFIRM LOCATION" confirm the address where you are, or manually select it from the address field

- Call a taxi by pressing "ORDER TAXI" button

- The nearest taxi receives your request, confirms it and goes to you

- You can track the taxi directly on the map while it is approaching and you can call the driver if needed

- Get notification on your phone when the taxi arrives

- Rate the driver by the end of the ride.

To use the service you need a active GPS service and internet connection. HEYTAXI is not responsible for the quality or speed of the GPS signal, as it depends on the phone or geographic location.

Find out more about the app on www.heytaxi.md


Email contact: support@heytaxi.md






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