【實用健康app】Java Thunderstorm In 3D|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Java Thunderstorm In 3D|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Java Thunderstorm In 3D-APP點子

As the wet season comes so do the vibrant, powerful thunderstorms upon the island of Java. No need to seek shelter from this storm; rather, seek refuge within the storm, and become one with one of nature's most primal forces. Let the sound of rain melt all your tension away, while the rumble of the thunder shakes off all remaining stress, leaving you at peace. 3D AuralScape™ technology creates a full 360 degrees of sound around you. This session is approximately 25 minutes long.

Perfect to use while meditating, to drown out the noise around you, or to just chill out.

**Please note that this track is streamed, therefore an internet connection is required to play the file.

【免費健康App】Java Thunderstorm In 3D-APP點子

3D AuralScapes™ are a highly acclaimed and proprietary technology developed and used exclusively by Nirvanic Mind™, developer of the highest quality and most effective brainwave entrainment and self-empowerment technologies available.

These AuralScapes™ create a dissociative effect in the listener, which means that they remove you from your present reality along with all of life's stresses. This removes much of the inner mind chatter, which is called internal dialogue in psychology. This assists you in focusing inward and thus able to achieve everything from deeper meditation to more sucessful hypnosis sessions.

3D AuralScape™ technology is is utilized in most Nirvanic Mind™ products.

Visit www.nirvanicmind.com/3DAuralScapes for more information and to listen to samples of other 3D AuralScapes™ you might be interested in, as well as our meditation, brainwave entrainment and hypnosis products which incorporate this technology.

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