



Manzil is a collection of Ayaat and short Surahs from the Quran that are to be recited as a means of protection and antidote from Black Magic, Jinn, Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery, Evil Eye as well as other harmful things.

According to various traditions, different parts of the Quran are described to have a positive effect on an individual in terms of negating and preventing the effects of witchcraft,

These are 33 verses of the Quran which eliminate the affects of Magic and become a means of protection from Shayaten, thieves and harmful beasts and animals. (Shah Wali-ullah (RA): AlQawlul- Jameel)

Manzil comprises the following verses of the Quran:

Surah Al-Fatihah (chapter 1): verses 1 to 7

Surah Al-Bakarah (chapter 2): verses 1 to 5, 163, 255 to 257, and 284 to 286

Surah Al-Imran (chapter 3): verses 18, 26 and 27

Surah Al-A'araf (chapter 7): verses 54 to 56

Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17): verses 110 and 111

Surah Al-Muminoon (chapter 23): verses 115 to 118


Surah Al-Saaffaat (chapter 37): verses 1 to 11

Surah Al-Rehman (chapter 55): verses 33 to 40

Surah Al-Hashr (chapter 59): verses 21 to 24

Surah Al-Jinn (chapter 72): verses 1 to 4

Surah Al-Kaafiroon (chapter 109): verses 1 to 6

Surah Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112): verses 1 to 4

Surah Al-Falaq (chapter 113): verses 1 to 5


Surah Al-Naas (chapter 114): verses 1 to 6

Also contains audio recitation (of Manzil) of the following Quran:

Shaykh Saad Al Ghamdi


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