【實用健康app】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program-APP點子

The Official Diet App from the Mayo Clinic:From the experts you trust: The Mayo Clinic Diet app is designed to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Bringing the science of weight loss directly to you, this step-by-step app can help you lose weight fast – and keep it off for life! Break bad habits, add good habits and unlock your potential with the last diet you’ll ever need.This premium lifestyle program guides you every step of the way until you achieve your goals. The Mayo Clinic Diet has two phases:Phase 1: Lose It!· Designed to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds· 2 weeks long· Add and break 15 daily habits identified by Mayo Clinic to jump-start weight loss Phase 2: Live It!· Continue losing 1 to 2 pounds a week until you reach your goal· No more calorie counting! Instead, learn how to easily spot a serving size and practice simple but effective portion control. Only The Mayo Clinic Diet app offers:· Serving Guide: Use this interactive tool to help visualize a food serving size by comparing it to an everyday object.· Serving Tracker: Check the interactive dashboard to track meals and see what food categories to eat more or less of at each meal. Log your physical activity or allow HealthKit to do it for you to round out a balanced, healthy day! · Motivation Picture: Unlock your inspirational picture of a family member or any image that reminds you why you want to be healthier.Other unique features include:· Daily Tips and Articles: Discover advice from Mayo Clinic experts incorporating clinical nutrition, dietetics, psychology, psychiatry, preventive medicine, endocrinology, and health and wellness best practices.· Daily Meal Planner and Recipes: Try unique recipes created by Mayo Clinic dietitians and based on nutrition science.· Habit Tracker: Track and learn about the 15 key habits that will radically change your lifestyle and jump-start your weight loss in just two weeks.· Progress Reports: Learn from personal insights to understand how to capitalize on your strengths and overcome obstacles.· And more: Use the Weight Tracker to monitor your progress and enjoy free access to other tools and content on The Mayo Clinic Diet Website. Praise for The Mayo Clinic Diet:· Through The Mayo Clinic Diet, Seth and Beverly lost 100 pounds together and regained their health, confidence and identities! Read more about their story: http://diet.mayoclinic.org/diet/success-story-seth-and-beverly· “I am pleased with my weight loss… I have more energy and find I am not constantly thinking of eating. My appetite is satisfied. I plan to continue the program as a discipline and motivation." - Margaret (happy Mayo Clinic Dieter)· Based on the #1 New York Times Bestseller· Recently ranked as a Best Overall Diet by US News and World Report· Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Cancel anytime.This is not a fad diet – there are no gimmicks. This is the last diet you’ll ever need! Download now and check it out for free!

【免費健康App】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program-APP點子

【免費健康App】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program-APP點子

【免費健康App】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program-APP點子

【免費健康App】Mayo Clinic Diet: Habit Tracker, Meal Planner & Weight Loss Program-APP點子

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