【實用娛樂app】Ninja Tryst|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Ninja Tryst|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Ninja Tryst-APP點子

Let's see your friend with Ninja mood!Do you have experience to see someone as Ninja? Probably you didn't.Ninja has always sneaked and met others with sercret in Japanese history.This's cool and you want to do it?You can notify their appointment and see your partner with Ninja mood!Features* Make email and send it to make appointment with Ninja mood!* Check appointment with Ninja mood!* You will know the partner approaches to you like Ninja at the appointment time!Advantages* You can see your partner with Ninja mood. (As you know ,Ninja is so cool)* You can search the place to see your partner using by MapKit.* You can know your partner is approaching to you when he/she is in iBeacon detection area.Device* iPhone 4S later* iPad 3rd gen later* iPod touch 5th gen laterHow to use1. tap invite button and input Date, time, place and so on.2. Tap send button in upper bar and launch email application.3. In email form, you choose the friend's email address who you will see and submit it.4. Your friend tap email's link in email which you had sent and launch Ninja Tryst in order to register appointment in this application.5. Off course, your application had already registered it.6. From 1 hour before of the appointment time you made to 1 hour later of it, this application start to detect your friend which you send(you set timer). Then you have to tap tryst or notification.7. Your friend and you approach each other with iPhone which this appliaction has been already installed at the near appointment time.8. This application can catch your friend and notify you even if your friend is Ninja!If you want to know more details, please visit our website!

【免費娛樂App】Ninja Tryst-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Ninja Tryst-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Ninja Tryst-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Ninja Tryst-APP點子

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Numbers 31 Magic App

請觀眾心中想一個「1~31之間」的數字,魔術師只要透過五張卡片,即可感應出觀眾想的數字!是一款即席且生活化的魔術 App。還在等什麼?趕快下載 Numbers 31,來學習享受魔術的魅力,讓觀眾對你留下最深刻的印象。為什麼是 31 ?因為一個月最多只會有 31 天,所以 Numbers 31 可以應 …