【實用休閒app】Omnom Monster!|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Omnom Monster!|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

Have you ever felt so hungry you thought you could never satisfy your hunger? These kids think so too, except they really mean it when they say that they will never be full. Ryan and Emily have insatiable and unpredictable appetites and have salivated at your flavorful scent. Defend yourself by satisfying their hunger before they turn into… OMNOM MONSTERS.

【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

This adorable pair will only stay cute if you keep them well fed. Starve them and they will become your worst nightmare. Ryan and Emily change their appetites constantly. You must feed them by dragging food that matches their cravings shown on the chatbox. They have been recently fed, so their “fullness bar” starts at full. Be careful though! Their “fullness bar” drains quick just like their temper, and when they are near starvation, they become hostile and will eat you. Make sure not to feed them anything other than what they want or they’ll throw a fit and swallow you whole! Don’t leave the Omnom Monsters unattended or unsatisfied, or you will unleash savage beasts that will devour the world! And you. Mostly you.

For the first version of the app, you’ll be able to:

【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

- Play with your food! Okay, not your food, Ryan or Emily’s food.

【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

- Feed 20 different kinds of food to the picky little monsters.

【免費休閒App】Omnom Monster!-APP點子

- Feed either Ryan or Emily.

- Scream when you see the Omnom Monster for the first time.

Have any suggestions/tips on how we can make Omnom Monster better? Any food you'd like to see in the game? Or have any suggestions for games you'd like us to make?

Contact us at azahid@crayonboxlabs.com

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Omnom Monster! APP LOGO

Omnom Monster! LOGO-APP點子

Omnom Monster! APP QRCode

Omnom Monster! QRCode-APP點子
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