



With Q Stocks you will be able to stock tracking to increase the value of your investment portfolio. Manage the value of your portfolios and trading signals in any currency using advanced interactive graphics.Customize the application and manage your stock easily with a portfolio investment manager that allows an efficient classification of all your assets. Obtain elegantly designed graphics showing market trends.Q Stocks brings togetherdata visualization and financial results in one single application created information design.FEATURESStock Tracking- Track the value of your stocks over time in any currency (over 150 currencies available)Easy Stock Management- Register and manage the purchases and sales of transactions in more than 60 stock markets from 30 countries- Visualize the historical evolution of your stakes at any level (ticker, sub-portfolio and total investment)- Create an alert system and receive automatic messages with market & trading signals - Organize stocks by creating unlimited sub-portfolios- Customize graphs by adding time series of your assets or portfolios- Manage your dividends- Track winning and losing stocksPortfolio tracking- Include transaction costs and commissions- Browse fast and easily through all your portfolios by touching them - Access to historical data of all your transactions and ticker alertsAdvanced interactive graphics- Design and functionality in the palm of your hand.- Compare your positions and portfolios in the same graphic, with one single click- Tailor the application to your needs by selecting your languageDiscover the new portfolio tool that tracks all your stock investment, in the palm of your hand. For everyone. Financial knowledge not required.









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Go Dutch

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歡迎使用新光人壽行動服務 Android App, 提供新光人壽行動服務資訊! 服務功能: 1.我的保單:(該功能須為會員才能使用,可洽詢服務員或至新光人壽官方網站查詢加入會員相關事宜。) ※提供保單資料(保單基本資料、保單貸款、附約明細、繳費明細等等)、保險費繳納證明、理賠紀錄及進度查詢、保單借款 …
银家汇 贵金属行情

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