【實用音樂app】Radios Spain|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Radios Spain|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Radios Spain-APP點子

Radios Spain is an android application that includes the most popular spanish radio stations in only one application.

In one click, enjoy your favorite radio wherever you are through your internet connection (3g or wi-fi).

Amongst the strengths of this application:

- Radios Spain runs in the background listening and allows you to do other activities whilst continuing to listen your favorite station

- Its interface ergonomics is both intuitive and easy to use. In one click, you can select or change your station.

- The continuous update of the stations list (without updating application) will ensure you a better quality and a greater reactivity to problem solving

The available radio stations are :

- Loca FM España

- Maxima España

- Los 40 Principales España

- es Radio España

- Europa FM España

- Kiss FM España

- Flaix FM España

- Onda Cero España

- Cadena 100 España

- m80 España

- Cadena Dial España

- Cadena SER España

- Rock FM España

- RNE Radio Nacional

- Ibiza Sonica Radio 95.2 FM

- Cope FM España

- Hit FM España

- Ibiza Global España

- Dance Radio España

- Radio Marca España

- Radiolé España

- Ràdio Capital España

【免費音樂App】Radios Spain-APP點子

- Radio RNE 3 España

- Q FM España

- Radio Clásica España

- Canal Fiesta España

- RAC 1 España

- Cadena Digital España

- Radio Maria España

- XTRA FM España

- Radio Andalucia España

- Catalunya Ràdio España

- Radio Huesca 102.0 FM

- RAC 105 España

- Radio RNE 5 España

- I Love FM España

- Canal Sur España

- Radio Carcoma España

- Radio Inselradio 95.8 FM Mallorca

- Radio Flow 99.2 FM Santander

- Radio Azul SER 92.2 FM Toledo

- Radio Puebla 107.8 FM La Puebla De Montalbán

- EsRadio 106.5 FM Guadalajara

- Optima FM 101.7 FM Consuegra

- Radio Bierzo 90.4 FM Ponferrada

- Radio Cima 107.8 FM Ponferrada

- Mortal FM 90.2 Valladolid

- Radio Marca 89.1 Barcelona FM Barcelona

- Barcelona Latina 104.7 FM Barcelona

- RNE Radio Exterior Madrid

- Antena 6 Radio 89.4 FM Torrelodones

- Vaughan Radio 105.7 FM Madrid

免費玩Radios Spain APP玩免費

免費玩Radios Spain App

Radios Spain APP LOGO

Radios Spain LOGO-APP點子

Radios Spain APP QRCode

Radios Spain QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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