【實用運動app】Roy Dean Academy BJJ|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】Roy Dean Academy BJJ|最夯免費app


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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a highly effective martial art for men, women, and children. It relies on leverage, timing, and proper technique to overcome larger and stronger opponents.

In this free app, Roy Dean shows the art of BJJ from many different angles, using footage from his popular BJJ instructionals. Educational, entertaining, and action packed, this app will open your eyes to the art of jiu jitsu.

The White Belt Bible:

White Belt Bible Trailer

White to Black Armlock

Lessons from a Champion

Blue Belt Requirements:

Blue Belt Trailer

【免費運動App】Roy Dean Academy BJJ-APP點子



Purple Belt Requirements:

What Makes A Purple Belt?

Triangle Breakdown

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Spirals of Jiu Jitsu

Brown Belt Requirements:

Brown Belt Trailer

Combination Meditation

Expressing the Technique

【免費運動App】Roy Dean Academy BJJ-APP點子

Black Belt Requirements:

Black Belt Trailer

Meaning of the Belt

White to Black Kimura

Art of the Wristlock:

Wristlocks Trailer

【免費運動App】Roy Dean Academy BJJ-APP點子

Seibukan Sandan


Year One Seminars:

Year One Trailer

Summer Seminer

【免費運動App】Roy Dean Academy BJJ-APP點子

Purple Belt Test

No Gi Essentials:

No Gi Trailer

Sidemount Escapes

Rolling Analysis

"I have been training in the martial arts for over 15 years. I have seen nothing that compares in instruction quality to what you produce. Thank you! I wish your school was in our area."


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I love everything about your teaching style. You are able to explain “the mystical” parts of jiu jitsu, like linking attacks and creating openings, in a way that makes sense.

I have been training for 4 years, and my appreciation for your teaching style only grows as my skill does.


"I can only imagine that you hear from many that they love your videos but I would feel remiss in not stressing how much they have changed my views and and enhanced my path."


Roy Dean holds black belts in multiple martial arts, including Judo, Japanese Jujutsu, and Aikido. He is currently a second degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and is highly regarded for his clean technique and precise instruction.

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  • Roy Dean Academy BJJ
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