【實用生活app】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO-APP點子

In this life, events in time have shaped the world around us. They have captured us and morphed us into who we are as the human race. It is in adversity that our character has inception as we birth new experiences that create opportunities to react and to change. The truth is that through out history many successful, motivational and empowering people have left us words...words of power, words of encouragement, words to help us cope, keep the faith and become better than all adversity. As we enter into a New Year of 2015, you can get the app for the rest of your year. An app that will help you daily with words of wisdom to shape your days ahead and help you SHIFT your perspective regardless of what your circumstances are, regardless of what you are dealing with. This app has more than just quotes of some of the best speakers, but of some of the most common people, celebrities, men, women, presidents, leaders, motivational speakers who are just like us and have overcome against all odds. It is also a community filled with daily comments, conversations and mentoring to help you grab onto 2015 fierce and ready for greater things in your future.So, Come..Download the app...and join me to SHIFT 365.

【免費生活App】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO-APP點子

【免費生活App】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO-APP點子

【免費生活App】Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO-APP點子

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免費玩Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO App

Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO APP LOGO

Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO LOGO-APP點子

Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO APP QRCode

Shift 365 - Motivation & Inspiration for All with Affirmations to be Happy in 2015 - PRO QRCode-APP點子
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