



There’s a mindfulness revolution happening--and for good reason. Every day another new development points to the fact that mindfulness can help you be the best you can be. Translation: less stress, greater productivity, peace of mind and happiness for you. But making mindfulness a regular part of life can be hard, that is where Simply8 comes in. The key to making mindfulness routine is to make it a habit. Doing that is easier said than done. It takes a combination of the right training, discipline, positive encouragement, and most importantly, daily practice to be successful.Many people get excited about mindfulness and start out on a path to incorporate it into their lives but few finish that journey. We built Simply8 for this very reason.Simply8 is a three week program that is designed to help you become comfortable and familiar with being mindful every day. Simply8 teaches one new lesson a week for three weeks. At the end of those three weeks, the mindfulness exercises become second nature and you can start to incorporate them into your daily schedule. Simply8 is different than other apps / programs:* Simply8 simplifies the task of learning mindfulness by focusing on three core lessons: Calm, Clear and Aware* Simply8 is a 3 week course that helps you practice each technique for a week then graduates you to the next* Simply8 makes the lessons as simple as possible to emphasize what matters: you and your awarenessWhat you will not get with Simply8 is something with a lot of bells and whistles. Some have even asked “why are there not more sounds? Why is there so much quiet and space in the lessons?”. The point is to help you focus on yourself, that is what Simply8 is for. So why wait? Begin to change your life in just 8 minutes a day, the time between 2 TV commercials. Simply8, the mindfulness habit forming program, helps you become the best you can be every day.



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