【實用健康app】Tabata HIIT Timer|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Tabata HIIT Timer|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

This application is a timer meant to be used during your workouts using Tabata method.

Tabata is a version of HIIT (High-intensity interval training) created on 1996 by the Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑 泉).

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

The Tabata method consists of an exercise performing a sequence of steps between 4 minutes or a little more. We recommend 4 minutes.

Here is how it works:

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

You pick an exercise of your choice and GO on an ultra-intense exercise for 20 seconds followed by a 10 seconds REST (slowing down the intensity), repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles).

Our application goes beyond that and comes with the default set of:

1. PREPARE: 4 minutes (preparation time before the sequence starts, so you start your exercise in a regular intensity)

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

2. GO: 20 seconds (full force step, it will repeat 8 times)

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

3. REST: 10 seconds (a step to make it in a slow/regular rate, it will repeat 8 times)

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

4. COOL DOWN: 4 minutes (Do in the same rate you did in the preparation, or slower, just cool down :) )

On the "GO" step, do your best, but please remember to respect your limits!

All these numbers are configurable, including the amount of steps. The workout of 12 minutes is the most popular approach when using Tabata method. Good luck and don't forget to check up with your doctor or cardiologist before starting any kind of exercise.

Your feedback is more than welcome, please send it to: tabatatimer-android@imobaio.com

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Thanks for your support!

NOTICE: This application makes use of Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/analytics), an analytical tool that collects access data anonymously and help us to continuously improve this application.

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

【免費健康App】Tabata HIIT Timer-APP點子

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免費玩Tabata HIIT Timer App

Tabata HIIT Timer APP LOGO

Tabata HIIT Timer LOGO-APP點子

Tabata HIIT Timer APP QRCode

Tabata HIIT Timer QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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