【實用工具app】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers-APP點子

Every teacher has been there. You gave an exam and the grades are simply… inadequate. Most of the grades are simply awful, and if you do a traditional curve your one or two brilliant students will get As while everyone else gets an F. What is a teacher to do?

【免費工具App】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers-APP點子

Enter my curving method. With this method, you can adjust your grade distribution to conform to not just ONE metric (the average) but TWO. For example, you can adjust the grades in a uniform way such that the average and standard deviation are set (for example, 75 and 15 respectively). Or the maximum and minimum grade. There are six different curving methods available, in all.

【免費工具App】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers-APP點子

【免費工具App】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers-APP點子

My app is the one tool for all your grade curving needs. Your test need not even start with a certain number of points possible! Suppose you have a T/F test with 20 questions worth one point each, and you want to curve it so the maximum grade is 100 and the average is 75. Done. Suppose you want to make sure no one fails (set the minimum to 60) and you don't want the grades to all clump together (set the st.dev to 15). Done! And so on. It's like a Swiss army knife for curving grades!

【免費工具App】The Curve: Grade Curving Helper for Teachers-APP點子

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