This application manages the basal body temperature. BasalBodyTemperature Record Lite is an application that manages your basal body temperature. [Bas …
基础体温介绍何谓基础体温(Basal Body Temperature, BBT):清晨刚睡醒,体温尚未因运动饮食或心情影响所测出的体温.基础体温的原理女性月经L期以月经见红第一天为L期的开始,L期的长短因人而异,约为21-35天不等,平均约为28天,其中又以排卵日为分隔,分为排卵前的滤泡期,与排卵 …
Want something fun and interesting for your family, kids and friends ??Try sounds of animals and have lot of fun for FREE!!Show your love for animals …
Generate hilarious messages with Markov Writer. This app uses Markov chains to complete your sentences in the style of various authors including Willi …
Normal Pong is too boring for you? Then try out Sound Pong. Here you can control the paddle with the volume of your voice or other sound sources over …