A simple application to send push notifications between you and your friends that just say "SUP?".Application code is available at Github: https://git …
你的旅行小幫手!行程規劃 all in one!給你的旅行整頓術,旅行功能行程規劃 all in one!有了「旅行好好記」,讓你的旅行不再兵荒馬亂,不再走馬看花;結合闖關任務與行程規劃,讓精彩的旅行不錯過寶貴的景點,還會提醒拍照留念,記錄旅行的當下。● 貼心的記事功能,內建行李打包清單,讓你不丟三 …
Lees het Leven op Daken magazine op uw tablet of smartphone.Leven op Daken magazine is een uitgave van het kennisplatform Leven opDaken, dat in Nederl …
Plays a gong sound when pressed. Punctuate the dramatic or the absurd with the gong. Just in case someone says, "This place is a GONG SHOW!" - you wil …