Het laatste nieuws en twitterberichten over de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse uit diverse bronnen.Ook de twitterberichten van de organisatie.De Nijmeegse Vierda …
Met deze Nijmeegse App kan je het thuisfront via Facebook laten weten waar je bent tijdens de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse. Ook kan je op het kaartje zien hoe …
Have you ever been out in an unfamiliar area and wanted to invite some friends to come and meet you? Have you ever had your car break down and needed …
Watch The Simpsons episodes in HD quality on your Windows Phone with this beautifull crafted app!Everyone loves watching The Simpsons, irrespective of …
I remember the day of the invasion well. The memories still burn deeply, like spicy chicken wings.They came without warning, squawking menacingly, the …
Looking for an innovating, challenging and fun game? Look no more! Using your best calculation, logistics and physics skills you will get hooked on th …
By Scandy scan the Barcode and QRcode That price comparison is the App.Soon QRCode scanning and cart functionality will be updated.SmartSharesmartshar …
It must be very exciting and both dangerous to weave through the traffic. Then, do you like to have such adrenalin without any danger? Highway Racer ( …
Blindtest.com, la première application adaptée du site blindtest.com.Venez tester ce quizz musical multi joueurs qui vous propose une véritable gym de …
Any questions and bugs please connect us: wpfreyr@hotmail.com************************************ver 2.80 Big content update! 1. New Armor Black Hole …