Het laatste nieuws en twitterberichten over de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse uit diverse bronnen.Ook de twitterberichten van de organisatie.De Nijmeegse Vierda …
Met deze Nijmeegse App kan je het thuisfront via Facebook laten weten waar je bent tijdens de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse. Ook kan je op het kaartje zien hoe …
Important: illumina Play store release has been discontinued. Please consult http://www.pilight.org/appsplugins/ for an updated version via F-Droid.Yo …
With this application you can control your pilight. This app is designed to be faster than using the web interface.If you have issues, please visit ht …
It is ELBEX DiViRa Application program to control ELBEX Home Automation DiViRa system. This program is Demo program. You can not control Home Automati …
we use this app control the lights through the light controller. There is a Wi-Fi model in the light controller name like FC_xxx, you must connect the …
Do you find it difficult ? receipts scattered on the wallet, in the bag even disappear. xClaim offer these solutions, you will no longer lose the rece …
My Expenses is a simple application that helps you to manage your finances, you can add all your accounts and store all of your income and expenditure …