This calculator was developed to assist triathletes in their planning to reach the ultimate goal. The calculator is used to predict finish times for a …
This is a quick way to plan for your next race. Just select the appropriate race type. Then adjust the time or pace for each Swim/Bike/Run leg, be sur …
Wearing a wire was never so easy! Informant turns your Android phone into a covert eavesdropping device — it can start recording any audio it hears im …
Calculate your speed and pace from the distance and the duration!Distance + duration => speed + paceSpeed Pace This app can be used to calculate the s …
Flexible tip calculator that calculate tips and each person share.The most flexible tip calculator ever, where it allows users to easily change any fi …
Free! Easy to use tip and tax calculator. The perfect tool you need to calculate the desired tip and split the bill between all your friends.This calc …
Run calculator is a simple application that helps calculate run parameters. It has 3 modes:-It counts run average pace based on run distance and time- …
Simple calculator for determining pace, distance and time for runners. Original idea hacked from and improvements welcome …
Put in your pace (minutes per mile) and it will verbally tell you "speed up","slow down" or "on pace" in a robotic British accent!It also has a slider …