Objetivo:O aplicativo possui a pretensão de apoiar na gestão empresarial no segmento de entretenimento em geral, como restaurantes, bares, boates e cl …
Saaed is a UAE-based company with regional and international partners that roots over a half century of excellence in different fields of business and …
SaaShr Now is an application created exclusively for existing SaaShr partners. Delivering updates from SaaShr as they occur, this application keeps pa …
Now it's easy to keep in touch with your favorite handcrafted jeweleries and accessories!The 'Saba & Adam App' from the urban jewelery designers Saba …
Sharp as an Errol Barber Shop established November 15th 2012.Owner Errol McCurrie, decided to start his own app so that customers can have a more conv …
La Société Coopérative Maritime (SCM) des pêcheurs de Sète Môle - sigle SA.THO.AN - pour "Sardine, Thon, et Anchois", est reconnue Organisation de Pro …
SA Associates (SAA) is a leading education, career and immigration consultancy firm in Bangladesh. We are a household name in the business sector and …
StarSquared is an app that can be used by schools to enable parents, students and teachers to effectively access school related information on their m …
SA eTenders Mobile Application provides easy access to all publicly available bidding opportunities, visibility to awarded contracts, ability to sort …
Stars Talent School is located in Mascot, NSW. We are a boutique performing arts school that is fully equipped and uses a holistic approach to offer a …