With the Lego Link, you will be able to:*Enjoy the jaunty background tunes.*Speed up the reflexes*make you smarter*Alleviate the pressure from life an …
Use a PC or Laptop to view streaming video from your Lego Mindstorms NXT robot by attaching an Android phone to the robot. You can also remotely contr …
Control your Lego Mindstorms NXT Robot using Bluetooth. No program is required to be running on the NXT, so once you have paired with the NXT, all you …
Easily write programs to control your Lego Mindstorms NXT from your phone!No need for a PC, just edit the JavaScript directly on your phone or tablet …
With RobotiX, you can control your Mindstorms NXT robot from the palm of your hand.RobotiX allows you to drive and manoeuvre your robot in 2 different …
NXT Sports Tournament App powered by Sport Ngin The NXT Sports Tournament App is the best way to stay informed, navigate and connect with other fans & …
Use this app to remotely control your NXT robot. The instructions here below:Make sure Bluetooh is turned on on both devices, and go to the bluetooth …