NS Reminder is a very easy and quick to use reminder applicationAVAILABLE LANGUAGESEnglish, Italian, French, Spanish, SwedishREMINDER FEATURESDate rem …
This application allows, in a simple but detailed manner, to keep track of the attendance for athletes (or students or whatever).In the main screen yo …
NS Tournament allows you to create up to 5 groups each with as many teams as you need.By clicking on "matches", the app will automatically create the …
NS Media per essere sempre più vicina ai propri clienti oggi mette a disposizione la sua app.Il nostro scopo e di creare presenze digitali tese al mig …
Tired of setting an alarm each time you want to have a nap? Never do it again with Siesta app! Only with two taps you will be able to sleep just the t …
NP is very simple Notepad application.You can set the categories for each note, and can set the password protection.Please send bug reports here: apps …
With NFCTime you set time recording upside down.Instead of mounting a time recording terminal, just stick a NFC tag to your door.Time recording is don …