Xena Friends
Now on Sale for 0.99Sing, Learn, and Play with Xena and her friends in an app that is designed for kids from 2-5. All presented in a colorful and anim …
Xena Friends
Bolsa Abierta
Sigue con esta aplicación la evolución de los índices y la cotización de valores de los mercados bursátiles desde tu Windows Phone. Incluye gráficos e …
Bolsa Abierta
Tasks Arranger
Get real help in daily task flow arrangement. Spend your precious time on doing essential things first, not messing it up.Trial limitation: 5 active t …
Tasks Arranger
Flashlight-X是Windows Phone App Store上最热门的手电筒APP。Flashlight-X提供LED照明,电量表,指南针和SOS模式。Flashlight-X是野外生存,黑暗中 找人和各种紧急情况下的必备APP。Flashlight-X获得2012年APPIES被下载最 …
Bloquear Facebook
[Veja o Tutorial Abaixo] Coloque senha no atalho para seu facebook e não deixe que ninguém mexa em sua conta pessoal. Tire o Facebook da tela inicial …
Bloquear Facebook
an easy way to record d surrounding免費玩Video_Recorder_Dpk APP玩免費免費玩Video_Recorder_Dpk AppVideo_Recorder_Dpk APP LOGOVideo_Recorder_Dpk APP QRCode熱門國家系統 …