Learn more and improve your rollerblade and inline skate skills from a skilled and experienced instructor. These step-by-step video skate lessons for …
¿Cansado de que todo el mundo te adelante patinando incluso cuando realmente intentas patinar rápido? Quieres más velocidad, pero ¿Cuándo la consigues …
¿Necesitas ampliar tu repertorio de técnicas de freno más allá del básico freno de taco del nivel de iniciación? ¿Has quitado el freno de tus patines …
Skating is the only sport you can do backwards and this training app will kickstart your backwards skating journey with 4 different propulsion methods …
Are you tired of everyone skating past you even when you are really trying? Do you want more speed but when you get it you feel less stable? Or do you …
Do you need to expand your repertoire of stopping techniques beyond the basics of beginner level heel braking? Have you already removed your heel brak …
Catch a glimpse of the Skatefresh tutorial Apps for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced level skaters with this free Trailer App. This will give you a …
Learn how to skate really well from a skilled and experienced instructor (Asha has been teaching full time for 14 years and on skates for 30years). Sh …
Learn more and improve your rollerblade and inline skate skills from a skilled and experienced instructor. These step-by-step video skate lessons show …
Learn more and improve your rollerblade and inline skate skills from a skilled and experienced instructor. These step-by-step video skate lessons show …