Peng Pan

Peng Pan
Sit up

做仰卧起坐时双手置于脑后, iPhone在你的手,按照一定的节奏做仰卧起坐。 Do sit-ups, his hands placed behind his head. Iphone in your hand, according to a certain rhythm exercise. Sit- …

做引体向的时候,打开的应用程序,把iPhone到你的口袋里,开始做引体向上,按照一定的节奏。 When doing chin-up, open the app, iphone into your pocket to do pull-ups, according to a certain rhythm …

做深蹲时,打开的应用程序,把iPhone放到你的口袋里 或者 是拿在手上做深蹲,按照一定的节奏。 When doing Squat, open the app, iphone into your pocket to do Squat, according to a certain rhythm. S …
Push-up Pro

Do push-ups, please click on the screen with his nose, start counting。 Push-up is a professional fitness application Push Ups! Train with your iphone! …
V-level Pro

V-Level is the Level of an iphone application, the real appearance and a good user experience, you can easily use it to measure the angle. V- Level is …
iRun1.0 Pro

Pedometer,Record time from the historical record. Pedometers count steps, iRun for iPhone counts steps in style. iRun is a pedometer for iPhone which …