



Save your child's beautiful smile!


An app must to have for Parents for kids' dental health care. SmileWatch will track growth and fall of child's baby teeth against a normal age pattern used by dentists. The app will give alerts to consult dentist or orthodontist early. Early consultations can avoid some cases of dental braces or permanent loss of some teeth.

3 easy steps of SmileWatch


1. Setup the tracker for a child for all the future activities and missing activities from the past

2. Log the teeth activities whenever they occur

3. Receive Occurred-Late, Occurred-Early, Missing-Activity, Expect-Activity alerts

Salient Features



~~~ Track any child of 0 months - 13 yrs age

~~~ Multiple children tracking

~~~ Visual Logging for error free tracking(Upcoming)

~~~ Family cloud account for 5 devices(Upcoming)

~~~ Available on Apple App Store, Android, and Windows Phone

SmileWatch Idea



Timing of teeth growth/fall activities follow an age pattern for most of the children. If we could detect any deviation from the pattern and check with a dentist in early stages, we can avoid lot more complicated dental procedures later. Tracking the teeth activities requires only 72 logs in a 12-13 year time period. But it can make a great impact in your children's dental care, smile and self-confidence.

I developed SmileWatch because I wanted to use it for my daughter. I do not want her to ever feel shy to smile like I did in my twenties. I have a tooth missing because I & my parents missed to notice a baby tooth not fallen until I was 22 years old.

免費玩SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro APP玩免費

免費玩SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro App

SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro APP LOGO

SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro LOGO-APP點子

SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro APP QRCode

SmileWatch:BabyTeethTrackerPro QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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