【實用工具app】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

每個人都應該擁有的私人點唱機 - www.youtube.com Page 播放

【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

The Personal Own JukeBox, play through www.youtube.com page, everyone should have one.


【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

Apart from the Cloud Base Collection, user could create and manage their own Private Local Collection on their own Android device. Under Open JukeBox, select category "local" then could pick a selection from their own private collection.


【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

Through the facility provided by the system, just several steps could create an entry for the private collection.


【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

Besides, the collection not only songs and entertainment, it includes information on Health, Education and Knowledge etc.

【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

myJukeBox 供用戶從雲端開放選集(系統管理員創建及管理),及其本機上的私人選集(用戶用系统提供的工具,自行創建和管理)揀選項目,繼而透過 www.youtube.com 頁面播放。從而用戶能隨時隨身有自己私人獨有的點唱機。

【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

myJukeBox lets user picks and streaming on-line through a www.youtube.com Page, a selection from the Cloud based Open Collection that set up and manage by the System Administrator or the Private Collection which set up and manage by the user on their own Android device. Thus the user could have their own unique JukeBox on hand at all time.

【免費工具App】myJukeBox Personal Juke Box-APP點子

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myJukeBox Personal Juke Box APP LOGO

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myJukeBox Personal Juke Box APP QRCode

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