Kegel exercise
If you want to prepare for the upcoming maternity leave, to avoid some gynecological problems or eliminate existing, recover faster after childbirth, …
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أهم تمارين كيجل للزوجين
تمارين كيجل هى تمرينات تحسين قوة العضلات من خلال تقوية العضلات العانية العصعصية لقاع الحوض ويوصف تمرين كيجل للنساء الحوامل لاعداد الحوض للشد الفسيولوج …
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SEGMA Status
Many have requested for us to make a way to allow everyone to check the current status of SEGMA Running Services. Well, now it's here! After downl …
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Trapped Exit
Your trapped in many different caves, and don't know where the exits are!Objective: Find the exits to each level, without losing all your health. …
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SEGMA Play n Chat
SEGMA Play n Chat is fully featured with games and a section to chat with anyone else with the app. Though we have not added any multi-player games ye …
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What are you trying to accomplish in this game?You are breaking as many walls as you can, you are jumping, and once in a while, dying, unless you do m …
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