Het laatste nieuws en twitterberichten over de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse uit diverse bronnen.Ook de twitterberichten van de organisatie.De Nijmeegse Vierda …
Met deze Nijmeegse App kan je het thuisfront via Facebook laten weten waar je bent tijdens de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse. Ook kan je op het kaartje zien hoe …
- Beautiful myanmar girl font pack!- Support S4 and android 4.2,4.3- No need root- No need online- Easy and fast change fontstyleNote: This app is onl …
New update, as requested by users: improved User Interface and usability, added new event types (more to come!)Please update your rating on Google Pla …
GFIllust™ We tried to express the feeling of the pure nature and clean mood of white paper with touch of handwriting in order to make it feel comforta …
PC 인터넷에서 제공되고 있는 모네타 미니가계부가 어플리케이션으로 출시 되었습니다. 스마트폰에서 가계부를 작성하시면 PC 인터넷 가계부에도 실시간 자동 연동이 됩니다.* 미니가계부 어플리케이션은 와이파이, 3G가 지원 되는 환경에서만 사용이 가능합니다.- 매일, 언제 …
Money Manager Ex for Android 是目前使用於個人電腦 Windows、 Mac OSX 、LINUX 上的個人財務管理軟體 Money Manager Ex 的分支,保留了桌機版的最佳功能,並同時增進了行動性與同步功能。 ★ 功能: ▪ 維護支票/存款/信用卡帳戶和監控交 …
Mofix allows to track your income and expense. All data are saved into Excel (xslx) files, that can be reached from any of your devices.You are also a …