This application is a MUST HAVE for anyone interested in reading music sheets. One of the toughest things about playing music is playing the notes in …
UPDATED - the crash on the latest OS version has now been fixed!Scan musical notes, automatically recognize the notes and hear the music play!Using "m …
Midi Sheet Music is a free Android application for converting MIDI music files into sheet music. It simultaneously plays MIDI music files, highlights …
This is an app I made to help myself learn to read music faster. It employs a quiz-format to quickly help you easily recognize notes on the treble and …
Learning to read sheet music has never been easier. This app listens to you play your instrument and gives instant feedback telling you how your doing …
A horror text adventure written by Hero Robb.You awaken in a morgue with no memory of how you arrived. Journey deeper into your fears, regrets, and do …
Floods is colorful strategy game. You target is to fill whole game screen with one color. You are starting on left bottom corner. To conquer new terri …